
Bookstores around the clock

C’È QUESTO TIZIO, un notevolissimo cartoonist del New Yorker, che ha girato il mondo per descrivere e disegnare le librerie più belle del pianeta (ci ha fatto un libro). Ne ha identificate 75, di cui le ultime quattro sono state le più difficili da trovare. 

Money quote: “In Nanjing, China there’s a road which goes down a hill and disappears into the ground, all very James Bond-like, leading to a former bomb-shelter that was later an enormous underground parking garage, before it became Librairie Avant-Grade, the world’s largest hidden bookshop. And one of the most beautiful. Many consider it the most beautiful bookstore in China. Inside the tunnel is a double yellow-striped road lined with books, while above you is a huge black Christian cross.”

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