
Back in Milan

HERE I AM, back in the Italian main city for business. After a long flight from San Francisco to Paris and then to Milan, all with AirFrance, I'm back to my desk. Jet lag is hard, but I have to work... I see on the internet that the perspective on MacWorld is changing. The very first hours after Steve Jobs keynote, press was looking for a big news. But there wasn't any.

After one day the agreement with Carly Fiorina, Ceo of HP, arrived as a less important news but it has grown in the next hours. Today, instead of new software, brand new, cheap 64-bit servers and other small things like the iPod mini, the big news is that of the franchising with HP.

So, what about my story for the weekly section devote to High-Tech of my newspaper? What is the headline?Any suggestion? I'm still thinkin' about it. And I have to write tomorrow...

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