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L'OBIETTIVO È RIPENSARE il modello della crescita. E andare oltre la retorica della startup (contrapposta a quella dell'impresa "tradizionale"). Perché, finalmente si comincia a dirlo sempre più spesso, le startup fanno probabilmente bene all'economia, ma non fanno bene a chi le fa.

Money quote:

"The problem is the way most approach entrepreneurship is flawed from the beginning. They try to be disruptors, build the new put-successful-company-name-here and end up with a unicorn. Unfortunately, though, not many of those actually have the chutzpah and genius needed to do that.

Ever wondered why we always hear about the Jobses, Zuckerbergs, Kalanicks and Cheskys, and only about them? That’s because there are not many people who can actually build something so successful and disruptive."

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